greece eldorado gold stock protest
Workers at Eldorado Gold mine in Greece stage protest over
2015年8月24日 ATHENS — Workers at a Canadian-run gold mine in northern Greece staged a counter-protest on Monday against its threatened closure, a day after scuffles
MoreGreece: Locals continue to protest over environmental social
2013年5月12日 Hellas Gold is a Greek mining company 95% owned by Canadian company Eldorado Gold. Since 2003, Hellas Gold holds the rights to the Cassandra
MoreGreece to grant mining permits to Canada's Eldorado as workers
ATHENS, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Greece said on Wednesday it would grant Canada's Eldorado Gold outstanding permits this week to enable it to fully operate one of its three
MoreThousands of Greek miners protest feared job losses AP News
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Workers at a northern Greek gold mine and their supporters marched through Athens on Thursday, in the most significant labor challenge the new
MoreGreece’s troubled mining industry: violent protests and economics
2023年4月23日 In northern Greece tensions are spilling over into violence, as controversy grows regarding the development of the Hellas Gold mining operation, also known as the
MoreJoint action in Greece and Turkey against gold mining activities by ...
In Greece, Eldorado Gold exploited the economic crisis to secure a colonial-style contract with police and judicial support. They used part of their workforce to attack opposition.
MoreSkouries mine - Wikipedia
The Skouries mine is a high-grade gold-copper porphyry deposit located in the Chalkidiki peninsula in northern Greece. It is currently under development by Eldorado Gold and
MoreGreece to grant Olympias mine permits after Eldorado threatens
2017年9月13日 Greek Energy Minister George Stathakis said three outstanding permits for Eldorado Gold Corp.'s Olympias gold mine will be issued within the week, Reuters
MoreGreek gold miners protest against government decision to revoke
2015年4月16日 Thousands of workers at a Canadian-run gold mine in northern Greece protested in Athens on Thursday against a decision by the new leftist government to
MoreGreek Miners Protest Plans to Halt Eldorado Gold Skouries
2015年4月16日 CBC News reported that workers at Eldorado Gold’s Skouries mine in Greece are protesting in Athens following a government decision to revoke the license
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